A 'garbage post challenge' for growth

For all of July I committed to the Garbage Post Challenge. It’s a social media challenge for professionals to grow in their ability in marketing. That’s relevant for me as a life coach, but I found something bigger and more personal in it.

I started the challenge on July 1st and now here we are, 32 days and 70+ social media posts later. The goal was 100 posts within the month, so I’m actually a bit short there, but gains are gains, and wins are wins. What started as uncomfortable and edgy has become comfortable and routine. That was the big point. To get uncomfortable, and to become comfortable with the discomfort. In this regard, it was a lovely success. And I figure, it worked well with social media, so perhaps I can leverage the same idea in another area to keep the growth goin’ and discomfort flowin.’

Thus begins the next chapter. The next edge. The next discomfort: blogging.

It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now—a few years at least. Why? Because it just seems fun and nourishing to have a space to share thoughts and ideas and an outlet to explore topics in long form.

As I think it about now, this is a great next level for playing with an edge. Instagram seems easy in comparison.. just take a picture and post it with something authentic and brief to say. With blogging though, a picture isn’t the focus—the words are—so there’s nothing to hide behind, no easy out.

Good. :)

And, I’m very unfamiliar with the tools and format of Squarespace’s blogging platform. So there’s a lot of growing, exploring, and discomfort in that element too.

Great. :)

Aaaaaaad, August is going to become a busy month of many transitions as I enter my last year of grad school as well as start my counseling internship.

Awesome. :)

Today I’m kicking off my own little Daily Blog Challenge inspired by the garbage post challenge. Starting today with this post I’m committed to publishing a blog post every day this month. With all the aforementioned in mind, this daily commitment is scary AF right now.

This could get messy. This thing may end up with some typos. I might post something one day that feels like garbage if I can’t think of something resonant or find myself stressed for time. Or, god forbid, I might do something imperfect in this process. 🤪 Lol, that will definitely happen. All of this will most probably happen.

Good. :)

That’s what I’m here for. To fuck around and find out. To get messy, make mistakes, and LEARN. Because the only way forward is through action, risk, and a willingness to put one’s self out there.

I refuse to live a life of What If’s.

Let’s go.
And thanks for sharing in the journey with me. 💜