Get uncomfortable every day

Hmm, feeling a lot of resistance to writing a blog post right now.

Also feeling resistance around camping this evening. Well, particularly to bringing stuff to cook food.

I love food while being outdoors and out in the mountains. Just haven’t liked the extra supplies, the mess, and the cleaning.

Its a silly dilemma. I want that food while outdoors, but I don’t want the extra work that goes into it.

I’d rather eat before going out and just snacking or fasting while camping. But if I do that I’ll never get better at and more comfortable with cooking outdoors.

Chances are I’d get more comfortable with bringing all the supplies and doing the cleaning if I just did that more. Ugh, but its uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Learning is messy. Learning is uncomfortable. Learning taking repetitions of doing something, and often times with failure and stumbles punctuating those repetitions.

So, alright.. okay.. fine.. I’m just going to suck it up, lean into the discomfort, and go for it. I’ll bring the stuff and cook while camping. It might suck at points. It’ll probably be great and worth it and go fine.

I’d rather push my edges than live within the boundaries of my ‘comfort.’
Embodying this value is a daily practice. And here in the camping is my opportunity for today.
I’ll choose to meet it and embrace it…
and so continues the simple practice of choosing to get every day.


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