What makes a good blog? (Part 2)

Today’s post is my compilation of a quick google and skim through articles about this question:
What makes a good blog?


4 Essential elements to writing a good blog post, by Jeff Goins

“Over my 11 years of blogging, I've made a habit of studying prolific, influential bloggers, and realized something:
They all have a system and structure for blogging.
While the structures vary, they all some form they follow. I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule, but I haven't found one yet. The norm is that serious bloggers have a set way that they write every blog post.”

The Elements:
1. An attention-grabbing headline
2. A captivating lead paragraph
3. Interesting supporting points
4. A compelling call-to-action

Put it all together (His formula):

  1. Choose a topic and write a headline.

  2. Write the lead paragraph.

  3. List a few main points in the body.

  4. Write your call-to-action.

  5. Edit and revise. (At this point, I usually revise the headline.)

  6. Proofread.

  7. Publish (checking the headline one last time to make sure it still works).

From Grammerly

Types of Blog Posts:

  1. How To

  2. List-based

  3. News article

  4. Interview

  5. Review

  6. Personal

  7. Explainer/Discourse

  8. Image-based

    *Subtype: Stand-alone, or as a series

Blogging steps:

  1. Set up blog

  2. Choose topic

  3. Make an outline

  4. Hook the reader

  5. Call to action

  6. Edit & proofread

  7. Enhance with images

  8. Enhance SEO

Top tips for an effective blog

  1. Use your personality and authentic voice; don’t over-formulate

  2. Be consistent in posting

  3. Keep it simple

  4. Allow comments

  5. Create a great article title

How to structure a Blog Post

  • Have an introduction that explains why they should read your post on the topic, not someone else’s

  • Break it up using headings

  • Keep paragraphs short

  • Write in plain English. You’ll lose people if you try to be too clever

  • Don’t be afraid to use your unique voice—that’s what will keep people reading!

  • Save the purple prose and complicated metaphors for your epic fantasy or poetry

  • Use images that tie in with—and back up—your arguments

  • Wrap things up with a conclusion

  • Have a call to action at the end, even if it’s just a link to your social media accounts

8 Habits of highly effective bloggers

  1. Be prolific; write ALOT

  2. Be concise

  3. Be analytical; strategic

  4. Be a lifelong learner

  5. Be focused and consistent

  6. Plan Ahead

  7. Be Persistent

  8. Be a self-starter

8 essential elements of a successful blog post

  1. Magnetic headline

  2. Compelling lead line or opening

  3. Useful subheadings

  4. Informative and engaging body of text

  5. Appealing graphics

  6. Powerful call to action

  7. Relevant internal links (to other posts in blog)

  8. Good meta description (for google search results)