Today is the 19th day of blogging in a row. I knew committing to a daily blog for the whole month of August could get challenging, specially when I had never blogged before embarking on this commitment. Oh buddy.
After today, only 12 more to go though.
I’m committed to seeing this through and I want to blog about whatever feels most alive in the moment.
I had to push myself yesterday (late last night) to get the last post done. It was wonderfully messy and rushed, or at least that’s how it felt. Now—today—I’m feeling a lull. I just want to knock this post out with minimum effort and let it be a sort of ‘taking the day off’ while still following through on the commitment.
Reminds me of how I felt on certain days while doing a poem-a-day-for-a-year back in 2012-13. There were just some days that I wrote about my frustration, apathy, resistance, or disdain for having to write a poem for that day. On other days like that, I simply wrote a few words or some garbled nonsense.
Part of me would love to indulge in doing that as a blog post and letting it be done for the day. And maybe that’s what this is, though I hope not. I’ve aimed to offer a short and honest reflection on how I’m feeling about this project right now.
Today will be a rest and reboot day.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.