Have you heard the news about the Biden administration preparing for the legalization of MDMA (i.e. Stacy) and psilocybin (i.e.magic mushrooms)? They’re expecting it to happen and are preparing for it to move forward within two years. Sounds to me like it’ll be a thing before the next presidential election.
Very interesting stuff. Here’s the article I read about it.
If you haven’t been following the news about psychedelics, there’s been years of deepening study into psychedelics and those two substances in particular, with special emphasis on therapeutic application.
But Cody, I thought all drugs are bad? Aren’t they dangerous? Won’t people get hurt or die from using that stuff? Shouldn’t we only trust Big Pharma and their profit-over-people approach, and their desire to have us shelling out for pills to take on the daily indefinitely??? Shouldn't we only trust substances we see in pharmaceutical ads and tv commercials as pedelled by mega-weathly for-profit Pharma corporations owned by billionaires and the financial elite???
Sorry not sorry for the sarcasm. After seeing and being impacted first-hand by the pain-killer pills and oxycontin epidemic THAT WAS CREATED BY BIG PHARMA and allowed to happen by the FDA, I hope you can sympathize with my lack of faith and trust in these institutions and entities. It severely impacted my family and the aftermath continues to this day. In general and at-large, that shit just simply shouldn’t have been allowed to happen un-checked as it was and without accountability for so long. Corporations and already mega-wealthy individuals reaped incredible profits at a tremendous human cost, with a shamefully small degree of accountability and justice implicated even to this day. But anyways, this is a tangent.
If you want to understand what’s happening in the world of psychedelic research and the incredible results that are being found in the studies, looking around on maps.org/our-research is a good place to start. But just diving in via a google search on “psychedelic research” or “psychedelic therapy” would also be fruitful.
The best way to put it in a nutshell is that psychedelics may be difference between needing 3 months or 3 years of intensive healing work. According the studies, psychedelics are helping individuals get major beneficial therapeutic results within a few months when it might take years of weekly-monthly therapy to get the same results without the support of those substances.
MDMA is being used to treat PTSD, including PTSD in military veterans. And the emerging results are just fucking incredible… So much so that MDMA was given a ‘breakthrough therapy’ designation and status by the FDA, which means they’re trying to approve it for therapeutic use as quickly as possible so people can have access to this powerful therapeutic modality.
And this is just the tip of iceberg. There’s so much going on, and so much positive potential being evidenced that its reasonable to feel excited for what’s to come. What’s possible here is a revolution in the world of psychology, mental health, and therapy. And you see that’s not an exaggeration when looking at the accumulated results of the past 5-10 years of research.
Dr. Stan Grof—the acclaimed psychiatrist, teacher, researcher, and co-founder of transpersonal psychology with 50+ years of experience—has perhaps said it best:
“Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy.”*
*quoted from this great podcast episode released in 2018 between Tim Ferriss and Michael Pollan.
There is much good to come, friends.