A few weeks ago I started reviewing coffeeshops. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years, just for fun.
I’ve now done a handful of reviews and am thinking about my experiences thus far. I do them foremost for fun, and secondly to challenge myself and grow.
There’s an edge I find through doing the reviews. In them I want to be honest and yet I don’t want to be mean. I want to speak my true experience and yet I don’t want to upset people. Thus my edge is lean into the discomfort and not downplay or soften my review.
Its been a particularly interesting experience to give a ‘bad’ or low scoring review. It’s more edgy for me. And I’ve learning something about myself through the low score reviews:
I’m easy to satisfy, and hard to impress.
I notice this with coffeeshops and coffee, but I’m noticing it other areas of my life. I’m typically quick to feel content or satisfied with things but its not so easy to impress or ‘wow’ me.
It’s neat what we can learn about ourselves through our work, hobbies, and doings. I didn’t expect to learn something new about myself through reviewing coffeeshops, and I’m not 100% sure on what to make of the new insight, but this sort of thing is an evolving process. I wonder were it will lead. :)