Gall's Law, start simple to build complexity

Gall’s Law is that functional complex systems are made of simple systems that worked.

This rings true for me, especially when looking at habits and effective habit-building.

My morning routine has complexity but it started with a simple single building block. Once the single habit was established, I was able to build additional habits that link with the first one. A couple of examples:

  • Five minutes of morning meditation to start, then adding prayer or mantra repetition before it. Then eventually adding a bit of simple movement and stretching after meditation.

  • I journal as part of my morning routine, so this week I’ve been experimenting with time-blocking/time-boxing during and after my journaling.

This reminds me of lego pieces. Starting with one, I can build on it with more, and then even more on top of that. The complexity works because its build on and emerges from the simplicity that came before it.

Interesting stuff. I wonder what I could reduce to more simplicity to apply Gall’s Law.