Is a problem a gift?

With every fall comes the rise.

It’s not often these days that I’m really knocked off kilter. Yesterday was one of those times though.

As unpleasant as such instances are, they always bring value. It’s like panning for gold—if we take the time and put in the effort, there’s insights and experiential learning to be gleaned, it just takes a persistent willingness to sift thru the mud.

It’s never fun being knocked off the horse but damn it makes me a better rider. Every time it happens I learn something; not just a mental concept but a direct experience that precedes and is bigger than concepts and words.

Respect the horse and welcome the opportunity to learn.

It reminds me of a quote I come back to from time to time:

Your biggest problem is you think you shouldn’t have them. Because problems are what make us grow. Problems are what sculpt our soul. Problems are what make us become more. ~Tony Robbins

Tony’s reframe is brilliant and it’s exactly what I’m getting at. Thank goodness for the experience I had yesterday. I’m still dancing with the problem to implement a solution, but today has been very different because of my mindset. It’s not a bypass; I still feel twangs of irritation, anxiety, and unrest. The difference is in deciding this situation IS FIGUREOUTABLE and that I’ll be better because of what’s happened instead of it never happening.

Of course I don’t want it to have happened, but now that it’s here I CHOOSE IT. Bring it on.

It’s like finding myself in a gym session or workout I didnt plan for and don’t like the timing of, but instead of fighting it I’m deciding to get a workout in. Okay, it’s here; may not be when I wanted but its good for me.