Reflections on a month of daily blogging

At first I had imagined doing a robust and deep diving end-of-month reflective post, but now that the moment has arrived I’m wanting something much more simple and short.

As a reminder or if you don’t know, for the month of August I committed to writing a blog post every day. It was directly inspired by the ‘garbage post challenge’ I did the entire month prior, where I posted every day and often multiple times a day to social media. The point of that ‘challenge’ was to get comfortable and have fun with social media, both for person and professional use. The July garbage post challenge went so well that I thought why not pivot blogging and do something similar for August.

So I did, and here we are. 🙂

I went from having never blogged (and wanting to a few years) to now having published 31 posts.
It’s been a good ride, albeit difficult at many points.

I made the daily commitment as a way to:

  • practice getting uncomfortable (become comfortable with discomfort)

  • break through perfectionism and procrastination

  • have fun and share my thoughts

  • become familiar with the process of writing, publishing, and sharing blog posts.

If those were goals, I’ve accomplished them all.

I’m not sure yet what’s next, but I’m pumping the brakes before jumping into another daily commitment. At the moment, I’m committed to daily meditation. I’m also a few weeks into my final academic year and therapy internship training.

With so much happening and more forthcoming, I’ll let these social media and blogging projects rest for now. Plus, it feels like a good idea to marinate and integrate in the afterglow for a while.

In the meantime, I’m curious to see if or when I feel inspired to write up a blog post or post to the socials. That will provide a fresh perspective on any grown, learning, and ‘gains’ from these projects.

Thanks for following along and taking an interest.
See you soon.