It’s a worthy question to explore. What makes a blog good?—
The content or topic? Structure? Length? Pictures? Author’s voice or style in the writing?
I don’t know (yet). I jumped blogging a few days ago, but I’ve been thinking about this question.
I started blogging for fun, fulfillment, and growth.
I’m doing this now because I’ve wanted to do it for years AND because it was scary idea.
For this month I’ve committed to publishing a blog post every day.
And, I have a lot going in life right now, so on most days I'll want to spend half an hour or less on this task.
I’m blogging daily, writing ‘em quick n’ loose, and letting them be rather brief.
Let me be clear—THAT is not what I’ve wanted or imagined for years.
I’ve actually imagined the opposite..
Writing 1,200+ words, well-researched and developed, a few rounds of revision, maybe some feedback from a few people in my inner circle, et cetera before finally posting it.
In other words, I’ve wanted to have a space to let my inner academic and inner philosopher come out to play;
like taking your dog to the dog park and letting it run free, I’ve imagined a blog to be that for my mind.
I want the blog to be a space to follow and go in on my ideas, to see what they bloom into, to explore perspectives, and spark interesting deep-diving conversations with people, both online and in person.
Does all of that sound great to you? It certainly does to me.
I’m not ruling it out for this month, but the scope and depth of these posts will naturally be influenced by the commitment to publishing something daily.
There’s a method to the madness, an order to the chaos.
For much of my life I’ve wrestled with analysis-paralysis, ‘someday syndrome’, and preparation-as-procrastination. These ailments are when we have a wonderful idea, intention, or aspiration BUT don’t actually go for it because we’re over thinking it, putting it off to the ‘tomorrow’ that never comes, or busying ourselves with excessive preparations, research, etc.
That last one is especially insidious because preparation can FEEL like we’re taking action on something, but listen carefully here: the action of PREPARATION is not the same as the action of PROGRESS. There’s preparation and then there’s implementing or acting on what one has prepared for.
My commitment to publish daily is about cutting through and squashing any analysis paralysis, someday syndrome, or preparation-procrastination’s that may creep up on me.
Those big three baddies are the reason this blog is JUST NOW happening rather than 2 or 3 years ago.
This is uncomfortable. (good)
This is the forth day of doing it and its still uncomfortable. (good)
I’m going to get really really good at posting things that feel limited, incomplete, too short, not fully developed, unstructured, and whatever else my mind wants to come up with to accompany the feelings of self-criticism, perfectionism, and doubt.
This way, when I commit the space and time to create beautiful robust blog posts like I described above, they will be that much better. And, more importantly, they will actually happen.